Is My Skin Too Loose for Skin Tightening Treatment?

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Renuvion® skin tightening has become increasingly popular among people who want a youthful and contoured look. However, not everyone is a suitable candidate for this procedure. Dr. Jose Ortiz will perform a comprehensive assessment at Altogether You Med Spa to determine the looseness and elasticity of your skin.

Are you interested in achieving a more toned appearance through collagen production? Call now to book an appointment in Phoenix, AZ. We strive to provide a high standard of care and personalized service for all patients.

What is Renuvion?

Renuvion is a skin tightening technology that uses helium gas and radiofrequency energy to stimulate collagen production, an essential protein that keeps our skin firm and elastic. Treatment is ideal for those who want to reduce common but unwanted signs of aging, like wrinkles and loose skin, or who recently lost weight. Renuvion is safe, nonsurgical, and can be personalized according to your needs and desired outcomes.

Who is an ideal candidate for Renuvion?

Dr. Ortiz needs to perform an evaluation to see if you are a fit for Renuvion. During this appointment, we may examine the treatment area and discuss your personal preferences. Inform our staff about existing medical conditions or if you are taking any medications since these factors may influence your procedure and results. Renuvion is best for:

  • Mild-to-moderate wrinkles around the neck and jawline
  • Looseness in the abdominal area
  • Sagging under the arms
  • Excess or loose skin on the thighs

Patients should understand that Renuvion is not a replacement for surgical procedures such as facelifts or tummy tucks. However, it is an effective way to achieve toned contours in Phoenix, AZ without the risks of surgery.

What if my skin is too loose for Renuvion?

Dr. Ortiz may recommend surgery for excess tissue removal if your loose skin is too severe for Renuvion. These procedures do offer dramatic results but may involve downtime and recovery. Rest assured that at Altogether You Med Spa, we will thoroughly discuss your options so you make the most informed decisions about your care. Whether you choose Renuvion or another treatment, your safety and satisfaction always remain our top priority.

How is Renuvion performed?

Renuvion skin tightening begins with a local anesthetic to numb the treatment area. Dr. Ortiz then inserts a thin tube through very small, strategically placed incisions. The device releases a combination of helium gas and radiofrequency waves to make plasma, which creates both heat and cooling energy to firm up the tissue. Once the desired outcome is achieved, we close the incisions and prepare the patient for recovery.

Your Renuvion results

Renuvion works to stimulate collagen production, which increases the firmness and elasticity of your skin. Results may be visible within several days or weeks, but optimal outcomes show after several months. The good news is that Renuvion produces long-lasting results, and you may see improvements for years. Patients should continue to follow a healthy lifestyle and a consistent skincare regimen so the tissue remains tight and youthful-looking.

Achieve smoother, tighter skin

When wrinkles and sagging areas prevent you from looking your best, let us help. Altogether You Med Spa proudly offers Renuvion skin tightening in Phoenix, AZ for people with mild to moderate signs of aging. Call now to meet with Dr. Jose Ortiz and see if this safe and effective treatment is right for your needs. Your skin deserves the best care possible.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.