Body Sculpting (Fat Transfer, BBL, Breast, Face, or Hands) in Phoenix, AZ

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What Are Body Sculpting, BBL, FaceLifts, and Breast Lifts?

Even with a deliberate routine for exercise and diet, you may be unhappy with stubborn areas of fat that won't go away. You might have loose skin that droops due to sudden weight loss or regular aging. You may even simply wish to see some areas of your body smaller and tighter while seeing others become fuller and plumper. At Altogether You Med Spa, we are proud to provide body sculpting to give you the body shape you desire. José A. Ortiz, N.M.D. can take fat from the arms, thighs, belly, or hips and use it to enhance the cheeks (known as a facelift), the buttocks (called a Brazilian butt lift or BBL), or give more fullness to the breasts (breast augmentation). If you would like to learn more, contact our caring team in Phoenix, AZ.

What Are The Benefits Of Body Sculpting?

A personalized body sculpting treatment at Altogether You Med Spa offers a host of great benefits to help you remake and enhance your look, including:

  • Providing customizable treatment options
  • Removing stubborn fat from problem areas
  • Enhancing the breasts, butt, face, and more
  • Tightening loose, saggy skin
  • Sculpting and contouring the body
  • Accentuating natural curves
  • Addressing areas with volume loss
  • Slimming and toning the body
  • Creating natural-looking, long-lasting results
  • Treating multiple body areas

Am I a candidate for body sculpting?

After your consultation, Dr. Ortiz will create an aesthetic treatment plan for you depending on your individual body goals. This can consist of both nonsurgical and surgical treatments. Surgeries, such as liposuction, abdominoplasty, and breast lift or augmentation typically require the use of general anesthesia. The goal during these treatments is to create an incision that can be hidden by undergarments and to diminish undesired fat and extra skin, leaving a slimmer, tighter contour at the desired treatment areas. Nonsurgical procedures can typically be performed at Altogether You Med Spa without any need for sedation. This may include laser skin tightening, laser liposuction, injectable fillers, etc.

How Is Body Sculpting Performed?

First, we'll give you a detailed consultation, learning your objectives and discussing the various options for body sculpting. We may consider fat transfer with laser or other methods, as well as various fat redistribution approaches, like Brazilian butt lift (BBL), facelift, or breast augmentation. For your procedure, you'll relax in one of our comfortable, private rooms as our technician administers a local anesthetic. For our laser body sculpting procedures, the laser will melt fat in target areas, suction it out, and then transfer it to areas that you would like to be fuller. You may experience some bruising and swelling for a few days, but these side effects should end within a week. These procedures typically do not require much recovery time, and your results usually last a while, provided you maintain a consistent, healthy weight.

Body sculpting FAQs

How long do body contouring results last?

Results from body contouring vary but could last for years. The most important factor in maintaining your outcomes is following a healthy lifestyle. These include following a diet and exercise regimen that proves sustainable in the long term. Patients in Phoenix, AZ, are welcome to return for follow-up treatments to reduce small fat pockets and tighten loose skin.

Will I get scars from body contouring?

It is possible to get scars from body contouring, but Dr. Ortiz works hard to hide incisions in natural creases that are easily hidden. We can also provide guidelines about how to care for your scars to help enhance their appearance over time. Our team highly recommends keeping the healing scars out of direct sunlight to avoid discoloration.

Is body contouring painful?

Altogether You Med Spa may administer a local anesthetic to help patients feel more comfortable during treatment. While most patients experience soreness and swelling after their procedure, these side effects are manageable and dissipate over time. Patients with concerns about discomfort can speak with a member of our trained team.

Is body sculpting effective for weight loss?

Body sculpting is more about contouring and shaping than weight loss. It's best suited for individuals near their ideal weight but looking to enhance specific areas.

What areas of the body can be targeted with body sculpting?

Body sculpting can target various areas, including the abdomen, thighs, buttocks, arms, and chin, depending on the specific procedure.

How soon can one return to normal activities after body sculpting?

Downtime varies by procedure. Noninvasive methods often have minimal downtime, while surgical options may require a few days to weeks of recovery.

Shape Your Body's Contours With Fat Transfer!

Body sculpting at Altogether You Med Spa is easier and less risky than surgery with less downtime to recover! The talented José A. Ortiz, N.M.D. uses minimally invasive techniques and can help you reduce pockets of undesired fat while adding fullness to your buttocks, breasts, or face through fat transfer. If you'd like to learn more about this highly advanced body contouring procedure, connect with us at our Phoenix, AZ office.

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*Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person. Images may contain models.